After much procrastination It's done!
I've had a lot of help from some very talented people to set up the new studio. Legendary producers Gary Langan and Gary Stevenson (Whose joint credits include YES, Frankie Goes To Hollywood, Go West, ABC, The Art of noise, to name only a few) have helped a numpty like me to know what makes what sound good. We have a killer drum sound!
We've already got the studio ball rolling with something rather nice to record at the end of this month. Sworn to secrecy but it's a follow up to a classic album.
Also, James Welch (who has a great studio in the same complex) has been a legend helping me out and installing my patch bay! That's right folks, this will be a geeky blog....don't care.
Will be doing a little tour diary when I head off with the ABC orchestral shows early next month (Conducted by the very lovely Anne Dudley).
Subscribe for details on upcoming the 'Drummer recording skills' 2 day course and one to one lesson availability.
Cheers! Rich.